
Satellite Electronics and FPGA Systems Laboratory

Zdjęcie laboratorium
  • Developing a new generation of +FPGA processors for space applications, with a particular focus on GNSS technology
  • Radiation testing for electronic components used in space
  • Power systems for satellite systems and subsystems
  • Utilizing advanced electronic solutions used on Earth in space projects
  • Hardware implementation of intelligent control systems

Cleanroom for Assembly, Integration, and Testing of Satellite Systems and Subsystems

Zdjęcie laboratorium
  • Providing test facilities for entities preparing subsystems and systems for satellites
  • Offering comprehensive testing services for satellite systems and subsystems
  • Integration of satellite subsystems
  • Integration of small satellites
  • Implementation of satellite orientation and orbit control systems
  • Small electric correction engines for nano- and micro-satellites

Data Processing and Interpretation Center for Satellite Data and Civil Satellite Navigation Systems

Zdjęcie laboratorium
Zdjęcie laboratorium
  • Exploration and analysis of data from satellite navigation systems (GPS, Galileo) for civil applications (transport, logistics, communication)
  • Analysis of land use for spatial development planning
  • Evaluation and updating of planning and cartographic documentation for management entities
  • Analysis of land use and land cover for construction investment companies
  • Analysis and modeling of water resources in the region and their utilization
  • Analysis and modeling of environmental phenomena and processes
  • Using satellite data for geodetic measurements
  • Analysis and processing of satellite data for the delimitation of areas with specific land use and other classification elements
  • Analysis and localization of degraded areas, including illegal waste dumps
  • Analysis and supplementation of spatial models of urban areas conducted in the CityGML standard

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Systems Laboratory

Zdjęcie laboratorium
  • Testing robotic space systems using artificial intelligence
  • Autonomous vehicles and robots in extreme conditions (mines, underwater work)
  • Software implementation of intelligent control systems
  • Research and implementation of non-holonomic robotic systems
  • Systems supporting the analysis, design, implementation, and testing of robots

Cryptography and Cybersecurity Laboratory

Zdjęcie laboratorium
  • Designing and implementing secure data storage and transmission systems
  • Verifying the security of data, especially sensitive data
  • Verifying the security of computer systems and networks

Space Medicine Laboratory

Zdjęcie laboratorium
  • Studying human body functions in long-term interplanetary missions with physiological and pathological states in Earth conditions
  • Non-invasive monitoring of the circulatory, endocrine, central, and autonomic nervous systems, as well as the organs of vision, hearing, and balance under disrupted circadian rhythms
  • Developing preventive measures for work accidents and employee errors in equipment handling and optimizing work organization both in space and on Earth
  • Diagnosing orthostatic hypotension, a common cause of falls complicated by serious skeletal injuries
  • Objectifying observations of human interactions. Long-term stay in the confined space of a spacecraft affects not only biological but also psychological and social aspects of health according to WHO

Materials Engineering and Strength Testing Laboratory

Zdjęcie laboratorium
  • Testing mechanical properties determined by static methods (tensile, compression, bending, torsion, fatigue tests, etc.)
  • Hardness testing (static and dynamic hardness tests, scratch tests, etc.)
  • Testing properties determined by impact tests
  • Testing properties determined by fatigue tests: fatigue strength
  • Testing and analyzing the structure and chemical composition of materials (qualitative and quantitative analyses)
  • Testing and analyzing coatings
  • Analyzing and testing joints (welded, brazed, etc.)
  • Analyzing defects in details 2D/3D
  • Surface testing – corrosion, cracks, inclusions
  • Testing layer thickness on the cross-section
  • Measuring roughness
  • Testing structural elements and finished products in a simulated operating environment, including simulation in operating ranges (temperature range from -150 ºC to 350 ºC)