About Us

Ikona - czas


The company under the name Space Technology Park – Research, Development, and Innovation (hereinafter: STP – R&D&I) operates based on the Commercial Companies Code; the resolution of the Lubusz Voivodeship Assembly of May 15, 2023 (No. LIII/781/23) regarding the establishment of a commercial company of the Lubusz Voivodeship under the name Space Technology Park – Research, Development, and Innovation Ltd., the resolution of the Lubusz Voivodeship Board of August 22, 2023, regarding the establishment of a single-member company of the Lubusz Voivodeship under the name Space Technology Park – Research, Development, and Innovation Ltd., the Founding Act of the Limited Liability Company Space Technology Park – Research, Development, and Innovation of August 23, 2023 (Repertory A No. 3611/2023). STP – R&D&I is a single-member limited liability company, whose sole shareholder is the Lubusz Voivodeship local government.

The origins of the Company are associated with the EU project of the Space Technology Park, conducted by the Lubusz Voivodeship local government, the University of Zielona Góra, Hertz Systems company, and the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The project operator will be the Company, which draws on the experiences of the past five years from the operations of the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zielona Góra under the direction of Prof. Marek Banaszkiewicz and from the innovation management in the Lubusz region by the Department of Development and Innovation of the Lubusz Voivodeship Office, coordinated by Dr. Jerzy Tutaj.

The mission of the Company is to increase the level of innovation in the Lubusz Voivodeship through the development of space and high-tech activities and the coordination of innovation policy. STP – R&D&I will take the necessary actions to become a globally recognized player with local roots; a participant in complex global networks; a partner for companies, organizations – tenants; a place of activity for universities, businesses, local governments, public institutions, and non-governmental organizations. The primary function of the Company will be incubation, e.g., start-ups, innovation – stimulating innovation processes, integration – creating an innovation ecosystem, promotion – co-creating the brand of the region. STP – R&D&I will also perform a civilizational function – building pro-innovation awareness, the importance of knowledge in society and the economy; collective cooperation networks – public-private partnerships, shaping trust and co-responsibility.

Ikona - Rakieta


Ikona - celownik



The goal of the Company will be to conduct and provide access to research laboratories, develop R&D&I projects, as well as networking, integrating, and inspiring entities from business areas, local government units, academia, and non-governmental organizations towards pro-innovation activities. Another goal will be to undertake joint efforts related to the preparation and implementation of a modern research and development center. The goal of the Space Technology Park will be to combine business and science with advanced technologies to create a place for the activities of many companies from the new technologies sector.

The Company aims to become a catalyst for modernizing society and the economy, a trigger for innovative endogenous and exogenous resources, a creator of demand for innovation – as a pull-type policy, as opposed to creating a supply of innovation, a source of development work for companies and R&D centers, a creator of new study programs, acquiring staff, as well as bases and procedures for intellectual property protection, an animator of knowledge about innovation and the effects of innovative activities, and a coordinator of the innovation system. The Company is established to carry out activities involving promotional, educational, and publishing tasks aimed at improving the quality of social and economic life in the Lubusz Voivodeship, in particular through:

  • integration of space sector entities in the Lubusz Voivodeship,
  • supporting the development of space and related technologies and research,
  • commercialization of R&D&I results,
  • supporting innovative and cluster activities,
  • cooperation with regional innovation centers and space technology centers in Poland, Europe, and worldwide,
  • education of residents,
  • promoting knowledge in institutions and organizations,
  • professionalization of institutions and entities such as Local Government Units, Public Benefit Organizations, economic entities with particular emphasis on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs),
  • systematic measurement of attitudes, behaviors, and decisions of the entities and organizations mentioned in item 8, as well as the community of the Lubusz Voivodeship,
  • recommendations and implementation of improvements supporting the development of local communities, self-government communities, non-governmental organizations, and all types of economic activities,
  • development of strategic thinking in the social and economic life,
  • promoting educational and scientific-research activities,
  • supporting the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in all dimensions.

The Company achieves its goals through, among others:

  • active efforts to acquire users for the STP-R&D&I laboratories,
  • maintaining the STP-R&D&I infrastructure at a high technical level,
  • obtaining authorizations and certifications to conduct research and tests of space equipment at STP-R&D&I,
  • scientific research,
  • lectures, seminars, conferences,
  • training, workshops,
  • social, economic, and marketing research,
  • grants, research projects, R&D projects – Polish and European,
  • preparation of studies and analyses of a socio-economic nature,
  • preparation of documents such as development strategies, marketing strategies, status reports, audit reports, including in the areas of management, communication, marketing, publishing activities,
  • acquiring real estate, constructing, renovating, and modernizing them,
  • renting, leasing, and lending real estate.