
Supervisory Board

Chairman: Dr. Eng. Adam Okniński – Director of the Space Technology Center, Łukasiewicz Research Network

Vice Chairman: Bogusław Zaborowski – Starosta of Międzyrzecki County

Secretary: Dr. Zuzanna Kulińska-Kępa – Department of International Air and Space Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw

Scientific Council

Chairman: Prof. Eng. Zbigniew Kłos – Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences

Vice Chairman: Prof. Stanisław Czaja – University of Economics in Wrocław

Prof. Eng. Andrzej Pieczyński – Vice-Rector of the University of Zielona Góra

Prof. Piotr Kułyk – Dean of the Faculty of Management, University of Zielona Góra

Prof. Waldemar Sługocki – Deputy Minister of Technology and Development, University of Zielona Góra

Prof. Tadeusz Uhl – AGH University of Science and Technology

Dr. Jarosław Flakowski – Vice President of Zielona Góra, University of Zielona Góra

Management Board

President: Prof. Dr. Hab. Marek Banaszkiewicz

Vice President: Dr. Jerzy Tutaj

Zarząd PTK Lubuskie

Supervisory Board and Management Board PTK


Assistant of the Management Office – Katarzyna Gajda

Director of Infrastructure Management and Laboratory Services – Leszek Urban

Director of Development Projects Department – Justyna Kmietowicz

R&D&I Center for Local Government Units and NGOs; STP Project – Prof. Katarzyna Cheba

Quality Management, OWI Information and Advisory Point – Dr. Zbigniew Skowroński

Advisor to the Management Board – Barbara Grzegorczyk

Coordinator of the Supervisory Board, Shareholders’ Meeting, and Scientific Council – Anna Pszonka

STP Laboratories – Radosław Walkowski, Dr. Marek Węgrzyn

Laboratories and IT – Damian Nagajek

Facility Engineer – Eng. Edward Jankowski

Accounting / HR – Dorota Przybycień

Marketing – Dr. Ievgeniia Golysheva

Health and Safety Inspector – Jarosław Sołtyszewski

Legal Counsel – Attorney Robert Kornalewicz

Public Procurement – Tomasz Lebiecki

Sales, Customer Service – Aleksandra Bach

Health and Safety Inspector – Jarosław Sołtyszewski

Data Protection Officer – Damian Marczyński

Accounting – Dawid Kowalewski

PTK R&D Team and Sławosz Uznański